Jun 13, 2010


Hello welcome to GA. We have a few things happening in the background that we want to tell you about.

First we had some minor design tweaks to our site. We have now hopefully have better navigation.

If you look now at our nav bar we added a Forum, which is in development, but you can still register and use it. We might keep it or not.
Oh and me and Tony are working on some projects behind the scenes. I will list them below- go check them out!


Guide Goods: Learn how to be tech smart! Filled with tons of tutorials, tips and tricks to help you on your way. No confusing code, just tech!

Turbo Exp: Entertainment: TV, movies, video game, you name it

How To Sk8board: Don't pretend. Actually learn to skate like the pros from the Skate games. How To Sk8board is your guide to teaching you how to skate.

There ya go!

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