Jul 22, 2010

Why DC Universe Online Has Been Kicked Off Of My Wishlist

I recently wrote a post about the voice actors in the upcoming Sony game DC Universe Online and how much I wanted to buy the game. Well not so much any more.

I recently found out that DC Universe online will require a $15 monthly subscription fee. Talk about a let down. My excitement of the game has reached an all time low considering the fact it was such a disappointment.

Massively has confirmed with SOE that in addition to the standard retail purchase price ($50 for PC; $60 for PS3), DC Universe Online will require players to pay a monthly subscription fee of $15. Subscriptions fees have been part of the monthly living expenses for seasoned MMO players for a long time now. No that this fee surprises me it's just that I was really hoping this wouldn't happen. Well the game might not be on my wishlist anymore but I'm still curious to see what else Sony and DC have up their sleeves.

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