First off, Uncharted 3 has been named Drake's Deception, and takes place in, get this, the dessert. Sounds exciting, not. But I'm sure Naughty Dog can turn this setting into a master piece.
Looks like Drake's looking for the Atlantis of the Sands, whatever that is. It looks great. oh, and no ladies, I'm not talking about Drake.
Here's the Mass Effect 3 trailer:
Remember PS3 users, you guys can get your hands on this one too.
Here's Portal 2 trailer:
This game looks very friend-ly. Tell your budies to preorder this one. PS3 users, you also get your hands on this one.
Thor the God of Thunder trailer:
The gameplay looks fun, but the graphics are just to goofy and unproportional for me. And be sure to check Turbo Exp for the Thor movie trailer!
And Prototype 2:
That will give you inFAMOUS haters out there something to brag about.
What did you think of the trailers? Which one was your favorite?
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