H.A.W.X., I believe is one of the best aviation fighter jet games ever made, but now there's with the release of Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 which is coming out this fall, I am starting to think twice. If your into aviation and airplanes then this is the game to get.
In this game you can do things that you would never be able to do in real life. First of all you have a with a million dollar aircraft which is a huge plus but also the cool thing is that this game takes place in the near future.
You can also do crazy things like head to head close range dogfights and refuel in mid-air.
If you cant wait to kick some high tech aviation buttock, H.A.W.X. will make a good substitution. Even though the graphics are not as good, its still a great game. Here's the first official trailer for H.A.W.X. 2. Enjoy!